Thursday, February 28, 2008

here & now

Right now nothing comes to mind except the excruciating pain I’m in. I am really not much of a complainer but these past two days have been brutal. I started training at gym 365 with a trainer- and oh my goodness. I cannot move at all. My legs and arms and back, are well – dead.

Enough about that.
Let’s talk about the important thing—like how substandard conditions are at Davie high. For instance, I had a scholarship due last week, but the counselors weren’t available because they were completing freshman schedules, a process that has been going on for two months.

How many high schools have to navigate an administration with three different principals? Not many. True, every school has problems, but very few of them slap down 26 different trailers instead of building a new school.
Bottom line: I am for tax increase for a new school. We need it. Desperately.
Voters in Davie County need to come to our school for one day to see how crowded it is. Witnessing our squalor would change their votes—at least I hope it would.
Why are the county commissioners putting so much trust in common people who know nothing about education? True, it is their right to vote. But is it also their right to hamper our education?
Unfortunately, it all boils down to politics as a witless popularity contest.

Forgive my boldness. I am sorry if you have a commissioner in your family, or as a friend. But, for the sake of the students, the next time you see an elected official tell them if they had a conscience, they would do what is right for the school system and override the ignorant vote and build a new high school.

Sadly, the commissioners are more concerned with re-election than they are about what is right for the future of education in this county. Otherwise, they might have taken a stand and built a new high school regardless the consequence to the tax payers of Davie County. How bad would a small tax increase be if it ensured the future of the county?

But, in the end, it is Davie County. I don’t expect much from the leaders here anyway. What have they done to benefit me? Nothing. To benefit my parents? Nothing. And who sanctioned the clearing of land for the new hospital that was voted down by the state?! Why did we waste our money on something that wasn’t even promised? Whoever wasted money like that should be should have to go back to high school (and start all over again). Make them sleep in the bed they’ve made.

No matter what the circumstances are. Our county needs a turnaround, and fast.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Abandon All Hope.

What comes naturally to me? Nothing comes to mind. Sometimes it worries me that I have no goal other than “live life.” I do have an ultimate plan: an ultimate destiny. Will I ever reach this final destination? I don’t know, but the path is set in front of me. Maybe the obstacles on the path will be too difficult to overcome. In reality, I don’t believe that. I believe all goals can be reached with the correct amount of heart and dedication put to that task. I’m going to grow up, get through school, get a job, and die. That’s my realization. I now see why people take their religions so seriously, it gives their life a purpose. Often people tell me that “you should contribute something to society.” I have too much manners to speak my mind when this is said, but how I feel is “why should I give something back to a society that’s only given me judgment and bad movies?” I love life, often more so than I think I should. My motto as a kid was “Love life, f*&^ the world.” The harsh realities and bitter truths of the world are what corrupt great things, like life. It blows my mind that I can go to school and have the same conversations with two completely different people. It blows my mind how one friend can be struggling just to find a place to sleep at night, while another is overly studying for a test that they know they will not make below a ninety-seven on. Why?

I’m so thankful that I wasn’t born in Friend A’s shoes. I’m also thankful that I can live day to day without the obnoxious pressure put on me by society and my peers to do something I truly don’t want to do. I sometimes wish I could truly be in the mind of both. I wish I could hear how their clock ticks differently from mine. All I can do is ask to hear their story, try to relate, and pray that they give me enough information to understand. I often wonder who can breathe easier at night. I often wonder why things have to be the way they are. Then, I kill these thoughts, because focusing on them for too long will only make me depressed.

I value my mind more than anything. I asked the wisest person I’ve ever met if he believed if we were truly alone. He replied “of course, people are often blinded by the superficial truth. In the end, all you have is your mind and yourself for comfort.” I believe this to be one hundred percent true. Why wouldn’t it be?
*Cough cough* will anyone really read this? I hope not LoL.

Flow through movies.

Movies are a big thing for me. I watch them all the time. I like to talk about them, which is why I thought it would be a good subject for this blog.

What I like in a movie is creativity, vision, style. Some movies I enjoy watching purely because of how they look. One of my favorite movies is A Scanner Darkly. I originally wanted to see it simply because of how it looked. The movie was filmed and then animators traced over the original footage. Turns out it's a really good movie regardless, but that creativity drew me in.

Jim Jarmusch has a distinct style for his movies. He's one of my favorite directors. His movies capture the beauty that can be found in seemingly mundane, everyday experiences. His films are very slow paced with a very light plot, or no plot at all. In his words, "Life has no plot, why must films or fiction?"

Michael Gondry is another director I like. The Science of Sleep is an amazing movie. It's just such an experience, full of fantasy. It's a very creative film.

This seems to be turning into sort of a list of movies, so I've got to talk about Gerry, a film directed by Gus Van Sant. The average length of the shots in this film is sixty seconds, which is very long. This film is very slow paced, but very visionary and interesting to watch.

Alejandro Jodorowsky has written and directed some really amazing films. He creates surreal films full of symbolism and spirituality. Sometimes disturbing, and oftentimes hard to decipher, watching films like El Topo or The Holy Mountain is definitely an unforgettable experience.

Harmony Korine uses out-of-date and unconventional techniques to film his movies, which gives them a distinct look. He creates rather simple movies, in terms of plot, that investigate human actions and relations.

Well, after I started to write this I realized I don’t really have much else to say except, “I like movie title”. It’s hard for me to express feelings about movies in words so, just watch these movies, and a bunch of other movies. Or don’t.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


For some reason, summer seems to be just around the corner right now. I guess it shouldn’t really feel like that because I still have around three months of senior year, but my long-term way of thinking never fails, and it seems like right now is when I need to finalize my summer. Thinking of summer has definitely brought Pomacanchi to mind. I was really hoping to go there for about two weeks or so over the summer, but I’m not really sure about that at all anymore. I guess that’s okay, but I’m going to have to get used to the idea of not going on a mission trip anywhere this summer. I’ve been extremely blessed with the opportunities I’ve had to go to Peru, and so I guess I can live one summer without going overseas. Pomacanchi is a remote village in southern Peru, right in the middle of the Andes Mountains, thirteen thousand feet above sea level. I first went to Pomacanchi in April of last year, which was the firs trip there that anyone from my church had ever organized. I ended up loving everything about it. The mountains are incredible, and no matter how long I stay there, they always make me want to stop and stare. The people, of course, are far more precious than the mountains. They have no hope of anything beyond just surviving. Most families consist of mothers who work in fields in order to maintain subsistence farming, children who have to grow up way too fast and have to take care of their younger siblings, and fathers who are nowhere to be seen, completely uninvolved with their families.

So since there is so much work to be done there and so much need for the gospel that brings hope of eternal life and rest, the youth group I’m a part of has “adopted” the village. As long as God leads us, somebody will keep going back to Pomacanchi and doing the work that He’s had in store for us. I think I can confidently say that my first trip to Pomacanchi was the best week of my life so far. It was a trip where I was fully convinced that God is everywhere, that He loves all people, and that all people need Him. And it was the trip where God let me in on a little bit of His plan for my life. And of course, it was simply a trip to a beautiful place where I got to watch God work alongside some of my very best friends.
While I would love to go back to Pomacanchi, I guess I can know that if it doesn’t work out, then God has another plan for me this summer.

"In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two seperate, yet equally important groups..."

If I am watching TV (which I don’t really do that often) the TV is sure to be tuned to one of the many channels that play Law and Order. Luckily for me, there’s rarely a time that my beloved show isn’t on. I know that most people watch television to wind down and not really use their brain for anything. But, I can not stand watching mindless television shows. This is one of the biggest reasons as to why I adore Law and Order. Rachel Hyland wrote in a review on my favorite show, “Even as most crime shows deplore the evil that men do, they at times also celebrate it.” I don’t want to watch some stupid “reality” TV show glorifying crime or other trivial parts of somebody’s life. I love Law and Order because it addresses real life issues, it doesn’t sugar coat anything. Rachel Hyland hit the nail on the head later in her review when she pointed out that “Law and Order does not make this mistake. Though it frequently, and most chillingly, tells tales of true crime … it also treats them with the dread, indeed, the disgust they deserve.” I couldn’t have said it better myself! Also, because it is so much like real life, it is absolutely attention-grabbing. I have never once got bored in the middle of an episode of Law and Order. Unlike most shows on MTV, which I can’t even sit through, my favorite show is sure to keep me on the edge of my seat. I love how you learn a little bit more about the detectives with each show, and you’re always along with them on the ride to solving the case. If you have never seen an episode of this wonderful television series, I urge you to go watch it! Just because you’re grandpa used to watch it does not mean it sucks. It just means it’s been great enough to stay on air all those years!

what a couple of weeks

I would have to say that I really enjoyed this class. It was a very entertaining and fun eight week, Ahh, I mean six week class. But of course it was not all, as of the last week when everybody was trying to get their work in on time. Seriously though it was not all fun, we actually learned something from it. The class, in its own way, it tore down all the walls, rules, and boundaries that were given to me about writing essays and other big papers from practically all of my previous writing teachers. Before when I wrote an essay or any other major paper I always followed the same routine and the same structure. That way of writing had me writing five paragraphed papers that did not have any of my own personal thoughts and or opinions. But for the first time, in a long time I am sure, when writing my paper the teacher actually wanted us, the students, to write about what we think. That really opened up my mind to the possibilities of good writings and brought me one step closer to being able to write a good essay or paper.
I would say that I had never ever written a Blog before this class no matter how popular it may be. They are alright but I still prefer writing in journals instead. Even if I have to do a free write and a prompted journal, I still like journals better than blogs. Although blogs are or can be shorter than other papers and essays. I might even start some writing again and getting better at especially sense I want to get into the film business and eventually write or co-write my own script that will be made into a popular movie one day.

Which reminds me, anyone interested?

My version of "Asphalt Jesus"

Over the summer I was on a street acting team I Brazil. I went around the second biggest city in the country and performed a mime. The mime was called "The Redeemer" and I really liked it because I could perform and change the way people think without even speaking their language. The whole idea of traveling around with a group of five or six people that you have never met before was fun too. I got to meet some very cool people but learning the skit at first was very awkward. If you have ever acted, you know that you have to be outgoing. After traveling for twenty some hours, you do not feel like being outgoing or learning a skit with people who you have never met. Anyway after six fun, long hours of practice and an awesome Brazilian pizza we learned the skit and performed for the next nine days almost non-stop.Like practicing for any improve drama, funny things always occur. For example, when performing on the side walk in Brazil, my friend was pretending to be dead in the street. She almost was not pretending when a car stopped two inches from her head. Another funny thing that happened was we were performing on the street and it was absolutely quiet. Someone said "that as soon as we got to the crucifixion scene everything would be really loud and busy." Of course, at the climax of the skit there was a lot of bustle, one of the actors almost got ran over by a horse. While the horse was passing, we were all thinking the same thing: "I hope that horse does not crap." Now that I am back in the states, I have decided to teach a group of my friends the skit. I had to make all the props and find the training video and after that find people who would be willing to learn the mime. My group and I will be performing this Saturday for an audience of 130 people. This is exciting, well it was exciting until I learned that one of the actors got hurt in a wrestling match and will not be able to fill the part of God. So now in less than a week I have to find a replacement of God, the big man himself; not exactly easy. After searching and not being able to recruit anybody, my dad finally volunteered to help me. It was really sweet because that is not my dad's cup of tea and it will be really awkward for him because he does not know any of my friends and he is much older than everyone in the mime (at least thirty some years older). But none the less my dad was very loving and volunteered to save my butt. Fortunately someone just volunteered today to help me and will be more fitting for the part and is a frequent actor.
Political Triumph?

Something that has shrouded my free writings from the very beginning is the political turmoil of a world that we live in. I am so into this presidential election, and the conflicts that the U.S. is currently involved in. It is history that we are witnessing this year, with a woman and a black man running for the presidency. First of all….I really see a great turn of events for the world when a man running for the seat of the presidency does not feel obligated to say, or put his hand over his heart when the pledge of allegiance is being said. I don’t know what you feel like on this issue, but it kind of scared me. I would enjoy feedback or any kind of comment that you have about this if you have heard or seen this for yourself. In church we recently had a man come into our class and prove to us that Obama is a Muslim. Obama is a member of a church in the north and this man called that church to see if the possibility of becoming a member of a Christian oriented church without renouncing there Muslim background could be achieved. He called and told them his full name and requested info on becoming a member of that church. The lady over the phone replied that the only thing necessary to join was to come and attend one Sunday, and that they would send him membership info in the mail. And when he had made his final decision, he would walk down the aisle and they would accept him as a new member. Then this man asked the lady, if it was necessary to renounce his Muslim religion to join the church. She replied and said that he absolutely did not have to renounce his ways of a Muslim; they would never ask anyone to do that. Then he said, “So is this how Senator Barrack Obama became a member of your church?” The lady was silent, and then she answered. “Ummm Sir I am not allowed to answer these questions”. Yea kind of scary, at least for me it was.
Yea well you might say, well that doesn’t bother me I am not religious. Okay well I do not have enough room to discuss that topic with you. I am sure you have a standpoint on the war we are fighting. Do you believe in the war we are fighting is for a just cause? Or do you just join the crowed at school, and believe what the majority believes. I am sure you are more mature than that. So what do you believe that this war’s main purpose was? I do believe in the statement of the Constitution that states we are the guardians of freedom, not just for us, but for all suppressed peoples of the world. So I want this last blog to be a real feedback for me. I want to hear what you American people feel about his war and why. The only reason I mentioned the Presidential Election was to give you a glance at how these situations could change with a president who is basically Muslim, or our first woman President who will probably have(no offence ladies) a motherly look at things. Or we could elect another conservative southerner, Mike Huckabee? John McCain? Alright you have to have an opinion, so let me hear it.

My Love for Power Rangers!

If you have seen my new display name, that may tell you something about me. I like, no, I love Power Rangers! I have been a fan of Power Rangers since the premiere back in 1993. I have seen nearly every episode of the series. I plan on watching the show until it the last episode airs (whether it be live-action or animated, if the rumor proves true). Common themes in all sixteen seasons are teamwork, friendship, loyalty, courage, and the forces of good being victorious against the forces of evil. Power Rangers is adapted from the Japanese Super Sentai. The series has spawned two theatrical films, only one of which takes place in the same universe as the TV show. The majority of the viewers are adults who have been watching since Mighty Morphin. Over the years, Power Rangers has lost some of its fanbase due to the switch from Saban Entertainment to Disney, less character development, and too much focus on the red ranger. Every season has a red, blue, and yellow ranger. Starting with Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, a new group of teenagers or young adults have become rangers each season. Previously, the show had the same group of teens gaining different powers and Zords, with some members leaving to move on with their lives. The show’s fandom loves to pair the rangers up romantically based on certain scenes in episodes. My favorite ranger couples are and always will be Tommy and Kimberly from Mighty Morphin and Wes and Jen from Time Force. Both were canon (actually in-show) couples. My three absolute favorite Saban seasons in chronological order are: Mighty Morphin (all three), Lost Galaxy, and Time Force. My favorite Disney-era seasons are Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder. Power Rangers Dino Thunder (2004) saw the return of Tommy Oliver. My least favorite seasons are Zeo, Turbo, and Wild Force (except for the team-up episodes). Over the years, I have accumulated a few pieces of merchandise. I still have a Kimberly (first pink Mighty Morphin ranger) doll, trading cards, a Mighty Morphin comic book, and a yellow Lightspeed Rescue figure.

Monday, February 25, 2008

a child's dream

When I was younger I wanted to be in some kind of band or at least just play an instrument. So when sixth grade came around our teacher said the only time we could join band is in the sixth grade. I was definitely joining band but, which instrument would I play? I don’t want to the piano because to me it was a little too usual. I wanted to learn how to play the guitar but, it was not an option. So just like every other sixth grade student, I wanted to ply the drums. Then our band teacher tells us, the class, that playing the drums is a privilege not a right. So basically the band students with an A/B average can tryout to play the drums. So let’s just say that was out of the question for me; but not of course for the teacher’s son. I mean when were they going to tell us, when it was too late. For me, if I would have known I would have actually worked harder in school. Moving on, so I picked the saxophone. It was fun for a while but, I would have definitely picked the drums if I could have. The funny part to me was all of my other teachers would tell us that we need to join band and play the drums whenever my classmates and I would beat on our desk, and all we could say is we don’t have the right. Anyway, I would have to ply the drums, which I would have been good at. I must say though I don’t think my parent’s would like me paying the drums. If the school had guitars that we could learn to play, I would have been the first to sign-up. Still to this day I wish I could learn how to play the guitar. When I tell my family they think I want to be some rocker chick playing an electric guitar. When in fact that is not the case I just want to learn how to play an acoustic guitar. Besides my little sister likes to write songs and sing and I think it would be cool if I could play her music for her.

The Legacy of Music and the Modern Musician

I want more for myself than to waste 65 minutes of my time listening to an album that I cannot cherish. I want everything in my life to have a certain timelessness, despite the fact that I probably will not. I would like my music to have its own legacy. In older music, I have found myself tied to a history that I don't necessarily have, the chance to connect to my "roots" and the ability to look at newer music in a refreshing way. When I reflect on older music, one of the most prominent figures in my mind is the late guitar player, Jimi Hendrix. Hendrix had a way of manipulating the guitar to produce a kind of sound that resonates in the ears of multiple generations. His music contains a certain quality that forces the listener to continually hear it, long after the song has finished. I often walk down the streets of downtown Winston- Salem listening to my iPod asking anyone who dares to get close enough, "Are You Experienced?" It is probably fortune on my behalf that they usually don't hear me. I feel that all music has its own historical tie which often goes undetected by the listener. What I hear from nostalgic music is not necessarily the lyrics that were written forty years ago, but instead I hear the emotions that are communicated through these records. Although rap has become a rather distorted genre, it still communicates to the listener the angry energy that stems from years of inequality and racism. Older music sometimes acts as the only association I have with previous generations. It is my connection to their time. Furthermore, many newer artist also use the associations that they find with older artist to supplement their own musical careers. Amy Winehouse, for instance, has collaborated with producer Mark Rohnson to create an album entitled "Back to Black" which features very Motown reminiscent hits. Winehouse has a soul stirring voice which could rival that of Billie Holiday. Artist such as Winehouse and John Legend have facilitated a new genre known as "retrosoul" or "retrojazz." Music has a fluidity that allows it to change into different sounds, communicating different ideas in different times. I feel that many older musicians have been able to achieve timelessness because of the emotion and drive that is reflected in their art.

Wherefore art thou Blog? Deny thy essay father and refuse thy essay name...

There are many differences and similarities between blogs and essays. Blogs are essentially, essays posted on the internet with certain modifications. Blogs often lack the structure that is found in a stereotypical college essay. Many students issue essays in a more formal tone that can often be condescending or confusing to a reader. I think that blogs allow for more of an exploration into the ideas and feelings of the author. Furthermore, I feel that many students, when writing a blog, throw formalities out the window along with simple grammar and spelling. It seems easier to not proofread and rewrite when you know that you are not writing to an academic audience. I think that this is problematic for blog writers because they often do not know to whom they are writing. Essays are often easier to read because you have a targeted academic audience. In a way, you know what they want to hear and how they want to hear it. When a blog is submitted to the Internet, it is capable of reaching almost anyone. Therefore, one may not convey their thoughts in a manner that is pleasing to everyone that reads them. I think that the Internet provides a medium to be judged by your peers instead of your teachers. Of course, unbeknownst to the author, teachers could be reading their blogs too. I think that blogs and essays both have a certain patterns that simply depend on the author’s writing style. I think that blogs tend to be more “stream of consciousness,” while essays are dependent on an established structure. I also believe that blogs allow for a more free flowing form of writing instead of the usual often torturous process. Blogs break up the monotony of how ideas are expressed by the author. I think that in society, essays are more valued because of their structure. I tend to be more captivated by blogs simply because, in my opinion, blogs tend to contain more passion and emotion compared to their essay counterparts.

Give him a chance

Anti-semetic? Sure. Too white? Sure. Too manly? Back then yes. Reasons to hate Hemingway and writing? No.
Hating Jews and being too manly in the 1920 perspective does not give one reason to hate Hemingway. I know plenty of boys who call people “Jews” in a derogatory sense, but that does not mean I hate them. I do not even know where being to white comes into play in this hatred. Michael Schaub, of a thousand books, first heard of Hemingway through his “manic former journalist prone to expansive arm gestures and standing on furniture” professor- A hostile atmosphere to first recognize one of the greatest literary minds in history. To me one should not hate a person because of his personal life, but of what he has contributed to the world. If the U.S. voted for president solely on his personal life, it would be stalemate every time. No one would be able to come to a conclusion. But, because we vote on his policy and achievements, the US is more able to come to a decision. Should personal life come into play somehow? Yes, but very little. Emotion does not rule the country, action does. If the US voted on someone who would do a good job in office, not just someone they liked; we might not be in this downward spiral. The same goes to authors. We should read what we think is good writing, not just who we like as an author. There are plenty of writers who are great people, but write horrendous literature. Schaub never simply states his position on the novel, or Hemingway but comes in contact with people who should have given Hemingway a second look. Between the lesbian he thought he liked and the entirety of his Hemingway notes, I think you will find Schaub’s comments very interesting. You can find him at

Do you love it...

You know what, I do not care what anybody says, but I consider game shows to be a big part of our popular culture just as anything else that comes on the television. They have been around since (????)…well a really long, since the television be came big. The cool part of it is, there are still people out there all over the world trying to come up with new ideas and some of them are actually being turned in to game shows. Any one could be on a game show because there are so many types. There are game shows for any body. And most of the game shows now try to stay on top by tweaking their rules and by having celebrity versions; where they have certain celebrities that play the games for charity. I like game shows because of their verity. There is, was, and probably will be a game show for anything a person can think of. When you get on the game show of you choice, you have the chance to win all kinds of stuff. That stuff can be: (most of the time) an amount of money, a title, a car; a house, or even food. The list can go on and on but, basically a prize can be anything a person could what. So I do not know about you but, I would love to go on a game show just to have a chance to win some big nice prizes. But even though there are thousands of game shows there is a chance that not everyone would be able to be on a game show. So there are take home versions of the games on television. Whether they are board games, card games, or even video games. Sure you do not get to win the prizes that you would have if you where on the game show, but that does not mean it is any less fun. So even if I do not get to be on a game show I can always get the game and play with my family. Besides it is good practice. If you can not be on a game show, then at least have fun playing the card or board game version and or watching the game show on televisions with friends and family.

to (blog or essay) or not to (blog or essay)...

It would appear that blogs would be chosen over essays almost any time and every time, because it would seem like a person would have a lot more freedom with what they write about and how they write it. Of course it would seem that way when the only essays that a person has ever written has had the same restrictions, guidelines, and boundaries every single time. I have always been taught and heard, that essays are to be informative and as far as the structure you are to have your thesis and at least three reasons supporting your thesis in the opening paragraph of your essay. Then the following paragraphs should support your thesis and the last paragraph should be your essay’s conclusion. When it came to blogs I had no restrictions, guidelines, or boundaries; I wrote it the way I wanted to. The topics I chose could be any thing I wanted it to be and it do not have to be informative, it could just be my opinion and or thoughts. And I did not have to meet any ones standers but my own, it was not like I was going to turn them in. Then I realized that essays had just as many unlimited possibilities as blogs did. Just as Annie Dillard said about essays, “There is nothing that you can not do with it; no subject matter is forbidden, no structure is proscribed.” Boy did I have that wrong. But even though I realized that essays had the same freedoms as blogs, why do I still feel the same way about essays. Perhaps it is because with essays they still should be some what informative, which means there is still a little more work needed when it came to essay than with blogs. Although that does not mean that while writing essays I can not put my own opinions and thought in the paper.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The New Yorker v. Star Wars

Anthony Lane of The New Yorker believes that Star Wars is “deep nonsense” and that it is “a remorseless non-comedy”. He believes that Star Wars creator George Lucas “swung out of orbit” after he created the earlier classic American Graffiti. Lane ridicules not only the names of characters (such as Jedi Master Mace Windu, asking if that is “something you spray on colicky babies”), but the characters as well. He puts down Padmé for not knowing that she and Anakin are having twins by not having an ultrasound.

I think that it is blatantly obvious that Mr. Lane hates Star Wars and has never given the saga a chance or researched it. While American Graffiti was an instant success, George Lucas became a household name due to the release of Star Wars in 1977. The Sith are a group that use the Dark Side of the Force and thirst for power. The Sith, as we know them, started out as a group of Dark Jedi who used anger to fuel their power. On the planet of Korriban, they came across a tribe called the Sith and procreated with them. Mace Windu is a revered and powerful Jedi Master. Bail Organa was a founding member of the Rebel Alliance. Had it not been for his influence on Leia, the galaxy would probably still be ruled by the evil Palpatine and his Empire. As in all fictional works, people and places must be named. I think that the exotic names of the characters, species, and locations to be unique and interesting. No one said that another galaxy had to have the same boring names that we have. As for Padmé not knowing about the twins, she had ordered her medical droid not to tell her the baby’s sex. Padmé believed that she was having a boy, while Anakin thought it was a girl. This scene can be found on page 217 of the novelization of Episode III, which is considered canon material. I think that Anthony Lane’s hate and ridicule of Star Wars is completely unfounded. But you can’t always convince people of why something is good or bad. His opinion does not seem to matter to the countless fans of the multi-million dollar franchise.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Johnny Depp is so amazingly gorgeous

If you know me, you know that I am pretty much a movie and media junkie. Let me enlighten you with something you must know. Make no mistake, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is one of the most amazing movies that you could ever see. This movie, even though it is a musical or maybe especially because it is a musical, has some of the greatest talents of today’s cultural media. The fact that Johnny Depp, voted one of the hottest men alive, actually sings is reason enough to see this film. Even if you are a guy, Johnny Depp’s acting in this movie is outstanding. Johnny Depp actually won “Best Actor” for this role at the Golden Globes. Sweeney Todd was originally a Steven Sondheim Broadway production in the 80’s, but when Tim Burton took over the plot and put his crazy mind into the recreation, the product was simply amazing. This movie has everything. It has humor, revenge, romance, tragedy, and not to mention a slight bit of gore. I loved this movie so much that I even purchased the soundtrack. My favorite part of the movie, besides Johnny Depp, was the irony of the duets. I thought it was fascinating how two different characters were singing the same words to a song, but having meanings that were in complete opposition. For instance, Sweeney Todd (Johnny Depp) was singing about his “friends,” which were his razors and at the same time Mrs. Lovett (Helena Bonham Carter) was singing about her “friend,” which was Sweeney because she had an enduring love for him. These characters were singing identical phrases, but the irony of the meanings was captivating. People will tell you to see movies all the time, but this one is definitely a must see. I cannot even begin to give this film the justice it deserves so what are you waiting for? Stop reading what I have to say about it and go check it out. You will not be disappointed.

From Dark to Light: Winter to Spring

I am in agreement with Russ Breimeier, critic representing, when he tries to sum up Foreman’s music. I also usually “think of these EPs as the lo-fi, indie folk side of Jon Foreman, along the lines of Elliott Smith and Iron & Wine. Acoustic guitar drives most of the self-produced tracks (executive-produced by Foreman's mentor Charlie Peacock), with occasional strings, horns, woodwinds, harmonica, sparse percussion, and more thrown in for color and variation. In contrast to Switchfoot's radio-friendly pop/rock, this music is quiet and contemplative, requiring deeper engagement and more active listening to fully appreciate.” The mood is indeed deeper and requires active listening to fully appreciate lyrics that are “relatable, honest, and at times, gut-wrenchingly broken, to the point where parts of Fall and Winter can seem downright depressing.

Breimeier points out something that I did not analyze fully: “why the order of these EPs is so important.” In conversation, I had previously commented on the tempo and mood differences found between “Fall” and “Winter.” Breimeier explains how the track from “Fall” are created to “play their part in the overall theme, which becomes clearer from the Ecclesiastes-inspired "Lord, Save Me from Myself": "This world is where I breathe/Let it never be called home." Foreman's strongest composition is "Equally Skilled," which bleakly addresses humanity's capacity for good and evil, yet the melody almost seems more hopeful when it changes keys for the verse about Jesus helping us overcome our weakness. It's perfectly paced and a brilliant message overall, drawing on the text of Micah 7: "I will be patient as the Lord punishes me for the wrongs I've done against Him/After that He'll take my case, bringing me to light and to justice for all I have suffered." He then clarifies that “Winter goes further as the season often associated with death. "Learning How to Die" wrestles with how we're not meant for life on this earth: ‘All along I thought I was learning how to take/How to bend not how to break/How to live not how to cry/But really I've been learning how to die.’…concluding Winter is "In Love," an Eastern sounding lament about love permeating all things, even in the hard times.”

Breimeir tastefully concludes his review by saying “the songs represented here seem rather sad in tone, remember that lamentations are prevalent throughout the Old Testament. Perhaps the best part about Fall and Winter is that we can look ahead with hope and joy to Spring and Summer, and all that it's likely to represent.”

Simply Adventure Stories

Amber Cowart, an essayist on a very thorough C.S. Lewis website, emphasizes interesting aspects of Lewis’s writing. In “The Success of C.S. Lewis in The Chronicles of Narnia,” she focuses on the fact that Lewis did not write these stories with the sole purpose of relaying a religious message. Cowart points out that any Christian truth entered his Narnia stories “of its own accord.” She explains the sometimes-conspicuous metaphors by remembering that Lewis had a faith that would unavoidably impact all his works. In fact, Lewis wrote this series determined not to push away readers who do not accept Christianity. He understandably does not want to impose so much on his readers that they become resentful. Cowart says that Lewis concluded that the best way to present Christianity is to present it in a fictional world, “a world in which it would be easier to accept.” Cowart even points out that one of the reasons that the Chronicles of Narnia is so successful is that not all people acknowledge the character of Aslan as a picture of Jesus. She explains that Lewis did not intend for his novels to be a straightforward allegory, but simply adventure stories. If a reader skips right to finding symbolism in Lewis’s stories, he or she misses the beauty and excitement of them. Cowart concludes this thought by quoting that “children should be left to enjoy [The Chronicles] imaginatively and emotionally, without being asked to reflect upon [its] significance. Out of that enjoyment, meaning will come.”
Amber Cowart’s thoughts on the Chronicles as an allegory were very interesting. I agree that without a simple attitude of adventure while reading the stories, a reader can totally miss Lewis’s first intention in writing them. The fact that she admires C.S. Lewis becomes very obvious in her explanation of why he wrote these books. And I admire Lewis even more when I read that his faith inevitably became a theme in his works, even while he had a broader audience in mind.

"The Success of C.S. Lewis in The Chronicles of Narnia"

It Seems BuzzSugar Has No Appreciation For The Finer Things In Life.

BuzzSugar posted a review of Joanna Newsom's Ys on his blog at and here are some of his thoughts:

"First of all, let me just say that I've tried—very hard—to fall under the enchanting spell of Joanna Newsom, to which most of my friends and fellow music fans have succumbed. Though I wasn't a fan of the baby-talk singing style and boring arrangements on the harp player's first album, 2004's The Milk-Eyed Mender, I decided to give Newsom's new album, Ys, a chance after reading a few stellar reviews and hearing good things from several Newsom-fanatic friends whose opinions I respect very much." Later he says, "Despite my best efforts, I still just can't embrace the classic-pop sound of this elvin-voiced chanteuese, who makes Bjork sound like a wise old matron."

I found it easy to be swept up in Newsom's voice and I believe her harp arrangements and the music she makes is wonderful.

"Call me, er, new-fashioned, but I like my music with just a little bit more roughness. Many people point out what they perceive as high-poeticism in Newsom's lyrics, but to me, the incredibly dense poetry often comes off as rambling and amateurish. Plus, after a few listens, I found myself yearning for lyrics about something besides bears, ponies, and "Sibyl sea-cow all done up in a bow."

I really like the old fasioned style of Newsom's poetry and I enjoy the fact that it is full of fantastical things and situations.

"If you like it, please come back and explain to me why I'd ever want to put this CD on regular rotation."

Well, Joanna Newsom's music is not something that can be explained. It's kind of a love it or hate it type thing. But if you do love it, then it is easy to listen to all the time, as I do, sometimes. I don't listen to it all the time. But I could if I wanted to.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mr. Ebert says "MEH!"

Roger Ebert on Rocky Horror (in not so many words): Rocky Horror is not really a movie; it's a “social phenomena.” No one noticed Rocky Horror, even its die hard fans, until it was aired as a midnight cult movie. Rocky Horror saw its zenith in the eighties with fans lining up in front of theaters hours before the movie aired. Inside the show the fans recite the movie line for line while dressed up as key characters in the movie. Rocky Horror cultists are dysfunctional in an interesting way. The fans make this movie more than the movie. The movie isn’t as good if you don’t have the fans. It will probably be forgotten.

Bruce Wayne on Roger Ebert (lol) on Rocky Horror (oh, that got interesting): Ok, Ebert, I know you’re still fighting the cold hand of death to keep making bad movie reviews, but why so dull? Ebert couldn’t be more right about stating that the movie is made by the fans, but I think he missed the point. However, Ebert’s a professional, and I’m just a student trying to get by. To me, Rocky Horror wasn’t just watching a movie, it was an experience. If people can not watch it with an élan point of view, the movie appears juvenile, perverse, and dumb. A person seeing Rocky Horror for the first time, or even watching it at all, can’t simply watch it to watch it. It’s like attempting to participate in Christmas when you’re dressed in a Halloween costume. What I disliked about Ebert’s criticism of Rocky Horror more than anything was how dull and disinterested it was. It’s obvious he took no pride in watching the movie, or even cared to. I had a feeling he would have this approach on the movie, so I chose him to compare and contrast to. I also believe Ebert’s the perfect person to get a contrasting opinion from about anything that could be fun.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What I like about 'What I Like About You'

I like the show What I Like About You so much. I think that it is hilarious and so interesting. I watched it for the first time ever about two or three months ago and watch it every time I get the chance to. The very first time I watched it I was hooked, I just could not get enough of it! I could not help but to lay there in my bed and watch it without moving. I was so happy when I realized that the television station airs two episodes every Monday through Friday. It comes on at four o’clock until four-thirty and then four-thirty until five o’clock. Now, every time I get the chance, I try to watch it.

I think that I have seen almost every episode that they have ever made, and I like them so much that I could watch all the seasons all over again. I think the last season is coming to an end and then they are going to start back over at the beginning of the first season, so if you have never seen it, then you should start watching once the cycle starts back over.

They used to air What I Like About You on the WB television station, but when it was cancelled, ABC Family picked it up as they normally do to shows that are cancelled after several seasons.
A lot of my friends did not use to not watch What I Like About You back when it was a newer television show and it aired on the WB, but now that it comes on ABC Family, and comes on at a better time and more frequently during the week, they watch it and love to watch it just as much as I love to watch it.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises takes the reader to a place unknown to the “goody goods” of today’s society. I am in no way bashing the morally elite population of America, but simply trying to seduce them into Hemingway’s world. The Sun Also Rises includes the amoral lifestyles of both Brett and Jake. Perhaps Hemingway expresses his view on sexually independent women through Brett because of the consequences he puts her through. Brett’s sex drive prevents her from having a relationship with Jake although she loves him. The Sun Also Rises is a riveting adventure through Jake and Brett’s relationship. Both Jake and Brett manage to escape their flawed relationship by excessive drinking. Because I was born in the Bible belt, if I even had such thing as a sex drive or touched alcohol, I would be shunned. May I remind you reading, and engaging are two different verbs. Hemingway provides the world that most people lust about. The major themes in The Sun Also Rises consist of issues the post modern generation often thinks about. Hemingway writes on excessive drinking, false friendships, failure of communication, destructiveness of sex, and male insecurity. Through Hemingway’s novel one could conclude the consequences of such distressing events, in hopes to one day survive internal struggles of your own. The Sun Also Rises acts as a teaching tool, as well as a fantasy world come to life. The novel is one of my favorites, in a world of false perfection I am able to resort to Hemingway. He places the realities of my life in fictional form. By doing so, I can translate the character’s situation to my own in hopes to truly understand and resolve the conflicts I may be going through. Hemingway is a literary genius. He knows what trials people will go through if its 1920 or 2008. I would recommend the novel to every walk of life. It helps.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

go check it out

The first time I ever read The Outsiders was in middle school. I first saw part of the movie at my aunt’s house in Winston Salem. I was instantly hooked on the movie whenever I was filled in on what had been happening before I had gotten there. But I am not a really big movie fan unless I have already read the book. I think that there is a big difference between books and movies. In the book, you get to imagine more than you do with movies, but movies are also fun because you can compare what you came up with in your imagination from the book, into what the director came up with for the movie. The Outsiders has been my favorite book since. It is also a movie for all of those non-readers out there. It is about a group of boys that are all friends. The book goes in order of events, it doesn’t jump around from past to present like some of the other books I have read. It is really easy to follow along with, and really hard to put down in my opinion. You don’t really know what is going to happen next in the boys crazy, mixed up lives, but it is fun to be along for the ride. I know that in the book the boys get into some trouble and two of them have to get away from the city. And then an unspeakable event happens at their hideaway. The book will defiantly not let you down, and you won’t be able to put it down. In my opinion, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is one of the best books I have ever read, and you should go and check it out at your local library or go rent to movie.

blogs and essays..

Essays are different than blogs. Blogs do not really have a specific style, they are just writings. They do not have to have facts or opinions or anything like that. They are just letting people know about what is going on. And sort of how you feel. I think essays are more formal than blogs. They have a few guidelines to follow where as blogs do not. They each have something that gives you something out of writing them. With the essay, you get to write something, express your opinion, and know someone will read and respond to it. But with blogs, you just write, and do not know if anybody will read it, or if they well tell you what they think. The normally would tell you if they read it, but you never know. But I think blogs are better to express how you feel about a certain topic, or how your day went, sort of like a journal. But online. Susan Orlean says in The Essay‘s Subjectivity, “As near as I can figure, an essay can be… a query, a reminiscence, a persuasive tract, an exploration; it can look inward or outward; it can crack a lot of jokes. What if need not be is objective.” I think that she is saying that essays come in many different styles. They can be from a memory, or, a prediction, or just about any topic that you want. That you need to put feeling into an essay and make it your own, and not follow the normal pattern, make it stand out. It makes me think that she wants an essay to be like a blog. Full of opinions, some facts, but mostly feelings. Feelings from thoughts, from experiences, for all of the senses that you are able to use.

What exactly is a blog?

What is a Blog? To me a blog is similar to that of an essay. I think that the only major differences are that a blog lets you let out more anger and feelings in a quicker and more efficient manner than an essay does. At least that is how I have always used a blog, I guess until now. I think blogs were developed to let your friends and fellow bloggers know how you feel without having to confront them face to face or having them to read a really long five paragraph paper on how you feel about a certain subject matter. I think blogging is a short and sweet way to voice your opinion without boring your reader. You can say whatever you feel without feeling any remorse over it, because it is your blog. Alan Lightman states “In reading an essay, I want to feel that I’m communing with a real person, and a person who cares about what he or she’s writing about. The words sound sentimental and trite, but the qualities are rare. For me, the ideal essay is not an assignment, to be dispatched efficiently and intelligently, but an exploration, a questioning, an introspection.” I disagree with Lightman, I think essays are boring, I think that it is just an assignment that you express a feeling efficiently and intelligently. I believe that if you wanted to voice your opinion in a more scholarly, intelligent way then you should write an essay because they seem to take more time and effort to develop. They have less grammatical errors and usually take more time to put together. Personally, I would much rather write a blog any day. I hate having to stay up all night the night before an essay is due trying to cram in all my thoughts and all the research that is needed to make the essay seem ‘perfect’.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tennis L<3VER

I am a tennis fanatic. I LOVE tennis and everything it has brought to my life. I can not begin to explain the phenomenon of how a simple sport like tennis ever evolved into a heart felt passion but it most certainly has become a part of who I am. I have devoted myself to the sport and it has been the best decision I ever made.

I love the competitiveness of tennis. It combines the elements of precision, excitement, and power to create a very competitive sport where on any given day the best can be beaten. What the average spectator doesn’t realize is that tennis is more than a game of perfect strokes but also a battle of mental strategy. I like to think of tennis as mental warfare. I approach every match I play with the same mind frame, which is that I have the ability win, no matter my opponent’s skill level, by simply monopolizing on my opponent’s weaknesses and seizing every opportunity in the match.

Tennis provides an atmosphere for conversation which can be found enjoyable for everyone. Tennis can be played on the weekends, recreationally, or on the club level. I love the tennis community and I have met a lot of friends through playing. My older brother and I have become great friends through the many hours we have spent together practicing the sport. Tennis is a life sport that you can play for your entire life. I plan on joining the club tennis team in college and as I get older I want to join a women’s league or at least force my husband to play with me.

Tennis is also a pretty inexpensive sport to play because all you need is a racquet, a comfortable pair of shoes, and a can of balls to have fun! I feel confident that the first time you play you will be hooked.

To persuade or not to persuade?

I think the main difference in an essay and a blog is the way people approach each of them. When I know I have an essay to write, I absolutely dread every minute up until I turn it in. I like what Lauren Slater had to say about essays – she said, “They occupy a quirky place in the general genre of nonfiction, a place many people seem not to understand.” This applies to me, because I am never quite sure how to set up my essays, or who I should be writing it to, etc. But, with a blog, I don’t really care who reads it! It seems to me that blogs are much more laidback pieces of writing then essays. Most of the time, people write blogs because they want to, as opposed to a student being forced to write an essay. Also, I believe that people often begin writing essays and feel that they need to adhere to the “norm” of what they are taught an essay should look like. They feel that it should be set in the standard five paragraph paper and convince the reader to believe what their thesis statement reads. Again, I agree with Lauren Slater when she said, “Essay writing is about transcribing the often convoluted process of thought, leaving your own brand of breadcrumbs in the forest so that those who want to can find their way to your door.” People who write essays are out to prove something to somebody, through their writings. Essays are usually about one topic, but blogs can be about anything and everything – within the same page! I know that I like writing blogs much more than essays, because of that laidback feeling of not having to worry about a grade, or if anybody is trying to learn from what I write. People who write blogs most likely don’t mind if their babbling changes anybody’s mind or not, and that’s what sets blogs apart from essays.

The Magic Of Ys

Joanna Newsom has created a masterpiece with her new album Ys. It is a five song, fifty five minute epic full of magic and wonder.

Joanna Newsom plays a Lyon & Healy style 11 pedal harp. She has almost an obsession with melody and the harmonies in her songs. This may be due in part to the fact that she originally wanted to be a composer, and went to college to study to become a composer. All these components come together in her music to create music that is greatly unlike most music listened to by the general public. I mean, who plays a harp?

Her song narratives have a classical aesthetic full of antique speech. She has a very distinctive voice in which she sings. This may turn off the casual listener, but to a listener who is drawn in by her voice, her storytelling, and her music; it makes for an enjoyable and unique experience.

A major difference in Ys and Newsom’s previous album The Milk-Eyed Mender is the fact that she recruited Van Dyke Parks, a famous composer, to help with orchestral arrangements on the album. The orchestral arrangements accompany her harp playing on this album to create this wonderful album.

If you are interested in listening to something different than your average music, give Joanna Newsom a try. Her voice and narrative will wrap you up and take you into the world in which she is describing. The accompanying music will aid in the taking over of your surroundings in reality.

The harp is a really nice instrument to listen to, and Joanna Newsom’s melodies are astounding. She can really play that harp. Just let yourself be wrapped up in her voice and just listen to the music and just flow, and you can have an experience that is not often had with an album.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Differences between a Blog and Essay

What are the differences in a blog and an essay? Well I don’t believe there are many differences between a blog and an essay. In “Essays are Not Scientific Documents,” it is said that essays aren’t necessarily all based on fact, and that they can even be “tongue-and-cheek, satire or testimony.” So this to me means that just because you are writing it down in what is considered the “essay form” it does not have to be based on a fact or just used for classroom and presentation purposes. The essay gives you information but just because it comes to you in the form of an essay doesn’t mean that it is factual and that you have to believe what it is telling you, even though they can be trying persuading you to lean towards the direction they are going with the topic at hand. Now in “What is a blog?” it also states that blogs are completely personal and are more like personal diaries. Even though I perceive an essay to have more structure and form than a blog would they really don’t have very different content. The essay can tell you about what is going on around them or what is happening but may not be presented in the personal way that a blog may be. Blogs do keep going though, essays have more closure at the end as appose to a blog where it can keep going as long as someone still has something to say about it or the blog has been posted somewhere for others to read and keep talking about . Okay so maybe the two of the have more differences than I originally thought but I still think that they are basically the same thing, just usually presented and interpreted in different ways but mostly containing similar information.

Dream Slightly Revised

Growing up I always believed what everyone said pertaining my future, “Katie, you can be anything you want to be when you grow-up!” Well now at 18 and trying to figure out what it is that I want to do with the rest of my life, the rude reality has hit and I can’t be whatever I want to be just because I want to. From the age of about five I always wanted to be a surgeon. My mother use to get so mad at me for stealing her stethoscope and her scrubs and running around the house touching everything I thought might have a heartbeat, whether it did or not who’s to say, and I would get so excited when I actually heard something. Growing up I was always one of those weird kids who when someone got hurt on the playground or out back behind my house I would try to fix them in any way I knew how, even if it was just sticking band-aids all over them. I started getting into the discovery health shows about surgeries around the 3rd grade and it still kills my parents when they walk into the room and there are people’s insides and a lot of blood all over the television but I am completely fascinated by the whole process. I love everything in health care, all the way from the diagnosis to recovery. Now that I have grown up I realize that not just anyone can be a surgeon I have had to change my direction a little bit. It takes years of school and being very intelligent to become a surgeon and I have realized that I don’t think I would be able to handle all the responsibility that comes along with the job. I have realized that I would still like to pursue nursing though, and even specialize in surgery. Even though I know I’m not going to be able to obtain my childhood dream of being a surgeon I am getting very excited about starting the process to achieve my slightly revised dream.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's just a jump to the left...

Rocky Horror- I don't know if it was the atmosphere when I first saw this masterpiece, or the overly dramatic comedy, and catchy tunes that made me fall in love.

It was on new years night/morning, I was with my boss, his room mate, and her boy friend. I had never seen the movie, however, I always noticed it was referenced at random times in other forms of media. When my boss' room mate emerged with the DVD in her hand, it occurred to me- I've yet to be culturally educated by this specific work. When she put it in, I wondered what this adventure into the unknown held for me. Never actually reading a synopsis on the movie, I only went into this experience with the knowledge of "hey... this movie is referenced all the time!" The only other franchise that comes to mind that could hold a candle to Rocky Horror's fame in references would have to be Star Wars.

The movie started, and as it went along I discovered other interesting connections to this movie made in pop culture. Things like some of Manson's outfits he wore on tour, or Jimmy Urine's bisexual antics. The classic tunes took no time to introduce themselves. Who doesn't know the time warp? I was observing an epic tale of a couple, Brad and Janet, that ran into the wall of the unpredictable. When they are stranded In the middle of nowhere with only one place around for miles and miles. This place is none other than the house of Doctor Frank N. Furter (yes, he's the satirist's answer to Doctor Frankenstein). Frank N. Furter is a sweet transvestite that wants to create the perfect man. As the night goes on they are faced with "coming of age" problems, and are truly tested with moral dilemmas. If there is a correct time for anyone to watch Rocky Horror, it's when you're an older teenager. I know this movie is something i will probably take with me through the ages.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Jon for Every Season

Previewing clips of unreleased music on the internet, reading reviews, and rushing to the store to buy an EP? Why would anyone go through that much trouble for only a few songs? The answer: Jon Foreman has not only reinvented the EP but also released genius music. Foreman has cleverly composed a series of four EPs that showcase his personal songwriting and musical talent leaving his audience craving for more. After hearing the digital release of “Fall,” I bought the hard copy of “Fall, Winter” the week it came out in stores. And now that I have overplayed both EPs I am in great anticipation for the third EP, “Spring.”
There is a great difference between Foreman’s musical style in his internationally-renown band, Switchfoot, and his personal EP series. Instead of an energetic rock band, Jon reforms to his acoustic guitar and harmonica to produce some of the best folk music that I have heard in a while. In his personal releases Foreman also plays some solo piano pieces that convey the same peaceful mood of his EPs.
Although his music altered, Foreman continues to write good, honest lyrics. He craftily mixes a basic topic and personal experiences and creates a song. For example, in “Somebody’s Baby” Foreman depicts a homeless woman he saw brushing her teeth and the opposition she faces from society. The homeless woman is displayed as “somebody’s baby girl” who is not cared for because “when the people don’t want you, they just throw you money for beer.” Jon realistically ends the song with her “birth and the death were both over with no one to grieve.” However, Jon is not limited to concrete themes, but also writes in metaphors. His song, “My Love Goes Free,” is based on a caged bird that has a special song to sing to the world. The song was featured in the movie “Bella” and is a metaphor relating to the issues of abortion. Both “Somebody’s Baby” and “My Love Goes Free” are evidence of Jon Foreman’s skilled writing.
Thankfully the sequel, “Spring, Summer,” will be released this upcoming year along with four other albums. Jon Foreman is involved with several different musical projects and has a unique sound for each. Switchfoot will be releasing a full-length rock album while The Real Sean Jon will release pieces from Foreman’s acoustic project with Sean Watkins. With three different projects, Jon shows his ability to capture various audiences. I was originally drawn into Foreman’s music in middle school with their radio debut on my favorite rock station. I instantly became a fan of Switchfoot but looking back on the over-popular song that first caught my attention, I realize that I have grown in my music taste. Fortunately Jon’s music has matured as well. He not only appeals to various audiences but grows with them too; true talent! The fact that Foreman has a ten-year reputation for releasing quality music makes me anticipate 2008.

Blog on Blog...

I always pictured a blog as a sort of diary, just instead of writing it in a notebook with a lock on the outside. A blog is actually very public. It is like giving the whole world the key to your diary. A blog to me simply expresses your feelings and states your opinions. People all over the world write blogs. They write about how their day is, their political ideals, and some write about other useless crap, like Britney Spears, that nobody cares about. How is that any different from an essay? Cynthia Ozick even stated “A genuine essay has no educational, polemical, or sociopolitical use; it is the movement of the free mind at play.” I like the way Ozick put this because teachers make me feel like I have to learn something and instead of writing an essay about my opinion on the subject matter, I have to let my opinions go in one ear and out the other, regurgitating the information they gave me on a piece of paper. I would definitely say the two are pretty much the same thing. I would also say that an essay goes more in depth. I say that an essay goes more into detail and develops a true structure with a beginning, middle, and end. A blog can be random and all over the place. A blog is basically a summary and a blogger doesn’t necessarily have to elaborate on their opinions or prove them to their audience. A blogger can simply state “I hate cheeseburgers, deal,” and they do not have to explain themselves at all. The viewer may want to know “Why do you hate them? Are you a vegetarian?” When writing an essay I believe it is imperative to be thorough when explaining the writer wouldn’t want to leave their audience hanging. Right?

Getting Into a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Star Wars has been a favorite of the public since its inception over thirty years ago. I have loved Star Wars since I was a child. It brings people together, providing them with escape from their worlds and into the large variety of media spin-offs.
People choose to celebrate their love of Star Wars in several different ways. Many go to conventions dressed up as their favorite characters such as Princess Leia or Darth Vader. I have never been to a convention before. Although, I did have to dress up as Princess Leia for a dance recital! I would absolutely love to go to one of the conventions, dressed up or not. A friend of mine and her boyfriend has a mutual love of Star Wars. They plan to get married in a Star Wars themed wedding. He wants to dress as a Jedi and have a man dressed as Yoda marry them. I have visited some of the best Star Wars fansites out of the millions that are on the Internet. My favorites are TheForce.Net, Wookieepedia, Viridity and The Other Side of the Sky. The latter two are dedicated to Jacen and Jaina Solo, respectively.
Everyone has a time where they would like to break away from reality. I choose to escape through reading a good book or by watching something on TV. I am able to do this with Star Wars. My favorites of the films are Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi. About 99% of the books I read are Star Wars books. I find the mixture of science fiction, action/adventure, romance and mythology refreshing. I can relate to most of the characters. Some of the best characters are the ones who make morally ambiguous decisions.
The saga of Star Wars is not told only in the famous film series. The stories are continued and built upon in the Expanded Universe. The Expanded Universe incorporates the officially licensed books, comics, video games, etc. I own over seventy books and have read the majority of them. My favorite is The Last Command, in which Han and Leia have their twins. I have a few comics. I am currently following the story of Luke’s descendant Cade Skywalker in the Star Wars: Legacy comics. I eagerly await the new Clone Wars TV series coming in the fall and the live action series next year.
I encourage those of you who are reading this to give Star Wars a try, if you haven’t already. Watch one of the movies. Read a book or comic. If you find that you don’t like Star Wars, that is fine. If you find that you do, great! But just give it a chance. May the Force be with you!

My Unchanging Fascination with Narnia

C.S. Lewis, author and respected theologian, simply writes about what he loves in his book series, The Chronicles of Narnia. The series is full of fantasy, adventure, and spiritual truths that are a picture of C.S. Lewis’s faith. One of my favorite aspects of the Chronicles is the fact that their writer has to be one of the deepest spiritual minds in history, yet he values the simple childlike faith of the children in his books. Even though Lewis infused his faith into these books, the series has been my favorite ever since I can remember. My fascination with them as a fourth grader has not changed, even when my perception of the books has. The Chronicles of Narnia remains my favorite book series because the stories themselves are beautiful and exciting and because I can be encouraged by C.S. Lewis’s incredible faith while reading them.
My favorite books are those that provide escape into a very different world, especially into a world so beautifully different like Narnia. From the account of Narnia’s beginning in The Magician’s Nephew to the battle scenes in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the books keep me consistently captivated.
Ironically, while I love the fantasy and incredulity of the stories, The Chronicles of Narnia also encourages me because of the truths that are throughout the series. C.S. Lewis said that no novel is good unless it can be appreciated both as a child and as an adult, and I have come to agree with him. Even now, as a senior in high school, I still love to follow Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy through their adventures. Yet now, I can see a deeper level to the stories that I could not see when I was younger.
I love to read C.S. Lewis’s beautiful interpretation of the Creation story of Genesis in The Magician’s Nephew, when he accounts for the creation of Narnia. In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Aslan, a picture of Jesus Christ, takes on the sin and punishment of Edmund and is brutally killed by the White Witch. This part of the story reminds me of the need I have for that kind of grace and of how thankful I should be that Jesus made that kind of sacrifice. Later, Susan and Lucy watch as Aslan is raised to life again, just as Jesus was made alive. I love to read these books, simply because I can find incredible reminders of what God has done.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Essays vs. Blogs

When I think of writing, my stomach instinctively tightens. A normal writing experience for me always includes a long night spent stressing out over a five page essay that is due the next morning. I have never done well with the constraints that are included with essay writing. I am much more relaxed when I finally have the chance to write with a little creativity. I think the amount of creativity is the biggest difference between essays and more informal writing, such as blogs. According to Joseph Epstein, “the essayist never comes out to tell you his view of the matter being discussed, never attempts directly to assert his personality, and never even slips into the first- person singular.” When writing a blog, the writer has so much more freedom to express their individuality without necessarily worrying about being criticized. No person ever writes an essay unless their English teacher has assigned it or unless they want to express more serious ideas on a more educational topic. For example, a scientist writing a lab report is required to follow certain guidelines in order to cover the details and technicalities that must be included. Basically, essays are just pretty serious stuff. I think a blog can best be compared to a person being interviewed. I agree with Edward Hoagland’s opinion that during an interview, “you are not interested in the exact words that come out of the people’s mouths but in the essence of their meaning.” A long winded conversation is not what anyone wants to hear and so in contrast, blogs allow for the writer to get straight to the point. Blogs can be developed in a few short sentences. However, an essay requires five or more paragraphs before the topic have been fully discussed and usually by that your reader has become bored with your writing. I would definitely chose blogging over an essay any day!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Strive for Sophistication

Writing for college requires depth and critical thinking. When you write an essay, a research paper, a lab report, an analysis, a piece of creative fiction . . . or in this case, a blog . . . you are being asked to cogently string together pieces of your intellect, your ability to think critically about complex information, and your ability to phrase your knowledge in such a way that your reader (someone other than yourself) can understand.

There are baseline requirements for college writing: you must yield to accepted spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax and form rules. There are sentence and paragraph level expectations: that you can use a variety of sentence patterns - simple, compound, complex, compound-complex, that you can transition from one written thought to another in a logical manner, and that you can embrace a college level vocabulary with finesse and proficiency. There are accepted patterns for writing college papers based on the traditional five paragraph model. There are expected protocols for eliminating tangential thinking on paper and keeping a thesis in focus throughout.

But when all is said and done, your grader (generally your instructor) does not want to be bored by your writing. To cinch an "A" for a college level paper, go the extra mile and strive to inspire, entertain, or at the very least, provoke.

You really have no idea how many papers professors read every single day; don't let yours be flat, stagnant, and simplistic. Let yours be sophisticated.

Importance of the Past

Great moments are achieved through great opportunity. From those opportunites that have been exploited, we have made goals in life's roadway acheivable. History is not just a torture chamber of dates and names that we lived through school with. It is a rule book of past lessons learned in defeats and in victories. A lot of our life questions are about things that have already been practiced by our ancestors. Yet we find constant turmoil in the fact that we cannot seem to find the answer to life's questions when we do know that we are not the first ones to experience these questions. My point really is to drive home the part history plays in our everyday lives today. In 1914 a certain group of leaders from several Europeon countries met to discuss social and political issues. There were representaives from Germany, Italy, France, England, and a delegation from the Austrian Hungarian Empire as well. They all sat down to discuss and converse, to the betterment of the Europeon nations. One thing they could not agree on was seeing the matter from the others point of view, resulting in prideful greed. The result of this conference was not a happy one, these leaders ended up facing each other on two other occasions. The first being a meeting on several diffrent battle fields in France, and the other being in the surrender of Germany and the Austiran Hungarian Empire. This conference is laid out in a wildly acclaimed book entitled "The Guns of August". WWI was kindled by this conference of confusion and distrust that was seen across the desks of these noblemen. From this we see that confusion in our world today can be taken to such extremes that a world war can be the culmination of it. A study of our past can bring about certain advantages in our day and time. Do we still negotiate with the point of a gun? Well that's hard to answer, at times. We, the United States, do not point our gun at England and use them like a puppet, as some say we do. We have learned through history that it is more sufficient to talk things out instead of assuming and firing. This may seem hardly like an in depth look at why history is important; yet I think that history has taught me to teach things on a basic level and build the students thoughts on your subject before throwing them into something that would be way over there heads. You may think that the world is a mess, and going down and never rising again. As that may be the case, I'm just glad that we do not have the mindset of the 16th century and be in possesion of nuclear war heads. Yes! Several lessons, but all I need is one small one to make a point.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The general idea of both an essay and a blog is to deliver a message to another reader. Alan Lightman believes that the ideal essay “communes with a real person.” While I feel that this is true, I think that the message communed is more quantitative with an essay. With a blog, the message is more qualitative. I feel the differences in a painted portrait and a well tagged wall is much similar. One is a fine work of art that has one specific purpose; the other is a fine work of art that can be viewed from many perspectives. I hate how disconnected essays can feel. Blogs feel like they’re actually something a person wanted to right. Lightman feels that the essay “is not an assignment,” I feel he is got the concept of the essay and blog mixed up. I have never written an essay for fun. However, if I thought people valued my ideas enough, I would write blogs all the time. I find that when essays are written, they are told by some other person “write an essay about this subject.” Lightman describes how he’s “going on a journey” when he reads an essay. How can you go on a journey into the unknown when you are reading an essay that was assigned? Maybe I could agree with Lightman if he reads random essays, but who does that? Show me someone that likes to read essays for fun, and I’ll show you a liar. I can understand reading a blog (someone’s collection of ideas) for fun. However, I cannot read something someone has simply vomited on paper because some person told them to. There’s too much polish and criticism on the line with an essay. There’s no soul to it, only a shell. Shells can be pretty, but they hold no life, like essays. Blogs are like hermit crabs-moderately pretty shell, but there’s life with it. Life is much more beautiful than a pretty shell.

Regarding the essay and the blog.

Essays are indeed different than blogs. The both express They are different because blogs are used to quickly and efficiently get one's thoughts out of one's head in a form that can be easily communicated to others, while an essay is a slow, arduous process of having an idea or thought and trying to communicate it to others in a more structured manner. Essays are more concerned with proper sentence stucture as well as all of those concepts of an essay.

Blogs are something that someone can just sit down out and spill their thoughts, with some leaniency on proper sentence structure and the correctness of the grammer in favor of the writing being able to be more stream of consciousness. This format has quite an appeal for those who want an outlet to easily write out their ideas.

An essay, on the other hand, has more power than a blog. The appearance of an essay itself exudes a well organized thought process, what with the paragraph structure on the page and what not. The essay is a respectable outlet to impart an idea or knowledge with your own personal flair thrown in the mix. I must agree with Joyce Carol Oates' statement that, "The essays transcend their data, or transmute it into personal meaning." When someone reads an essay it tends to have a much stronger impact because of its well thought out communication and organized structure.

In my opinion, blogs seem to say, "Here's what I think", while the essay presents thoughts along with supporting ideas; not merely a blunt statement. I believe an essay is a better format to communicate thoughts because essays are just taken more seriously, and rightly so. I like how Joyce Carol Oates states that, "Indeed, in the most brilliant essays, language is not merely the medium of communication; it is communication."

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The essay defines ones self, is backed up by educated opinions and is polished to
The blog, however, is the casual essay. Blogs allow for a few grammar
mistakes; they may even contain “racier” material. I value essays more than blogs,
not simply because they may have less grammatical errors but the opinion in most
essays is strong. The opinion is researched and thought over by the author many
times. Don’t get me wrong blog opinions are also researched and thought over but
honestly if one publishes a blog everyday- the opinion of the author has the tendency
to change more often than that of an essay that has been edited and edited for six
months. Blogs are casual displays of things. I love blogs, infact, I prefer reading
blogs more because I am more likely to read the real thoughts of the author before
they are thought over for months. Essays are to autobiographies as blogs are to
reality TV. Both are real however the autobiography has time to “ferment” and take
on the perfect bias of the person it is highlighting. Blogs are real they depict
the authors opinion on that day at that time there is no swaying- no editing- they
are the personal preference of the author here and now. Until the public is educated
fully on blogs and essays- the blog is always going to have “leeway” on content.
People expect essays to be professional. Take Thomas Paine’s essay Common Sense.
If Paine used incorrect grammar and forgot to site his sources the world would not
take him serious. Instead he wrote in essay form, in turn allowing political decisions
to be based upon his essay. What matters most about both essays and blogs, Susan Orlean says best, “…they convey the writer’s journey, and [do] it intelligently, gracefully, honestly, and with whatever voice or shape fit best."

How essays and blogs are different

An essay is a non-fiction but often subjective piece of writing. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, which is writhing distinguished from poetry by its greater variety of rhythm and its closer resemblance to everyday speech. Annie Dillard says, “The essay is, and has been, all over the map. There’s nothing you cannot do with it; no subject is forbidden, no structure is proscribed.” Blogs unlike an essay can be used as online diary. Since blogs are online you can combine the use of text with images and links to other websites with the related topic. The people who visit and read a blog can leave comments if they would like to. Like essay having many different types, blogs do also. The different kinds of blogs are artlog, photoblog, sketchblog, vlog, MP3 blog, podcasting and micro-blogging. Essays and blogs are different in which you can respond to the Arthur right away. With essay you can respond to the writer unless the essay you read is published. An essay is in depth piece of writing on a certain topic. A blog focus on one topic also but it doesn’t go in to great detail. Another difference between essays and blogs is the length. The length really doesn’t matter as long as you cover all the details. They are also different by the type of tense the writer uses in it. In an essay a writer would not use first person but in a blog it is the writers option so he or she would use first person. Essays and blogs are the same by means that the writer is passionate about what he or she is writing or they wouldn’t write. I think that essays and blogs hold the same value it just depends on the reader. Essays are better to read if you want facts as long as the writer did some research. If you don’t like to read a lot a blog would be your best bet.