Monday, November 26, 2007

What is Pop Write?

Initially, I came up with “Pop Write” from "popular culture writing." This project (this blog) would focus on the things that populate our lives. Advertisements, television shows, movies, comic books, the internet, ipods, cell phones, music, magazines, sports, etc.

All of these things are worth writing about— if only to help understand their hold on us.

But the more I thought about it, the more “Pop Write” came to represent something bigger.

I went looking for definitions of “pop.” And for each one, I thought, “Yeah, that fits.”

Pop (verb):
to strike or knock sharply
to push, put, or thrust suddenly and often deftly
to cause to explode or burst open
to fire at
to take (pills) especially frequently or habitually
to open with a pop
to go, come, or appear suddenly
to escape or break away from something (as a point of attachment) usually suddenly or unexpectedly
to make or burst with a sharp sound
to protrude from the sockets
to shoot with a firearm

Pop (noun):
a sharp explosive sound
a shot from a gun
soda pop
pop fly
power to hit a baseball
a drink or shot of alcohol
for each attempt
popular music
pop art
pop culture

And so, “Pop Write” is more than just a blog.

It’s a place where our culture intersects with our words and pops!

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